Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Time-Lapse Video of Weaving

I set up a video camera on a tripod and programmed the camera to take .5 seconds of footage every 5 minutes, while I worked.  Nine hours of weaving was condensed down to 40 seconds of time-lapse video.   The weaving process itself generally takes me about 8-10 hours, but when including every step of cutting, gluing, etc my weavings take about 40 hours total.  To see the entire process, from start to finish, check out Photographic Weaving: The Process.

In this piece, titled "Distribution Structure", I wove together aerial photography of the freeway interchange in Emeryville/Oakland, CA with images of circuit boards. This weaving explores ideas of the macro & micro. From an airplane, a city looks much like a circuit board, and circuit boards look like miniature cities unto themselves.  However, not only do these two things appear similar, they also function in a very similar way.  The way that cars move across freeways is not so different from how information moves through circuit boards, the internet, and technology in general.  Freeways have made travel over long distances incredibly easy, creating a link between distant cities that connects friends, family and commerce, in much of the same way that the internet has connected people all over the globe.

1 comment:

  1. wow! loving your work and peeking into your process -- do you know the photo weaving of dinh q leh? vietnamese artist who made beautiful pieces in this fashion as well . . . xo!!! keep it up mama!
